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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Put Link Exchange Blog

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Link Exchange is one of the SEO techniques that are useful for increasing traffic and pagerank on the web. This is quite important and should be done for all bloggers. Not only are visitors coming from your partner or just acquaintances when exchanging links, it can also make it easier to find your web visitors.Since this is an obligation and self awareness, we will try how to install the link exchange on the blog.• If you want to install the banner, you must first prepare the design drawings. Can use image processing program such as Photoshop, CorelDraw, Firework. For the size and format of your choice. Then upload on free image hosting such as,, and• Then just attach the code in your blog's sidebar or in a particular post can be more lighten Exchange Links page loading.• Then please copy and select the code below as you want to create a Text Area Exchange Link or Banner. 
Text Area:

 Banner :
Your Web URL" target="_blank">Your Blog Title" src="Your Image URL"/>
You only replace the bold text and colored with your own. Good luck and Good Work ~!

Change the Windows XP Registry

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Registry is a windows settings and information on whether it is hardware, software, user and preferences of a computer or pc. Some tips and registry below only applies for Windows XP. Before tinkering with the Registry, there is a good backup first.

Click the Start button> Run.Ketik regedit and press Enter after being in Run.Didalam Registry Editor window, choose File menu> Export Registry File Export.Setelah appears, enter the file name assigned to the File Name, for example, registry backup and so forth. Click the Save button. Completed

How to Restore registry backup:

search for backup files that you can save and then dobule click or right click, click the "merger" then your registry will be as usual.

Accelerating Update Registry:

Press the Start> Log Off> Log Off.

Changing Wallpaper

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop
Double click on the wallpaper image and enter the desired path Value Data.

Renaming Recycle Bin

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E)
Double click on the option (Default value) and give a new name according to the desired in Value Data.

Raises Rename Pada Recycle Bin

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E) / ShellFolder Double click on the Attributes> Edit Binary Value. In the Value data, change that number to be 0000 50 01 00 20.

Hiding Recycle Bin

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Desktop / NameSpace, Delete subkey (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E), then. Restart the computer to see hasilnya.Untuk bring it back, make a back combination of numbers: (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E).

Adding Content Shortcut menu on the Recycle Bin

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E) / ShellFolder. Double-click Attributes and change the numbers in the Value Data with the following numbers:

0000 50 01 00 20> Rename
0000 60 01 00 20> Delete
0000 70 01 00 20> Rename & Delete
0000 41 01 00 20> Copy
0000 42 01 00 20> Cut
0000 43 01 00 20> Copy & Cut
0000 44 01 00 20> Paste
0000 45 01 00 20> Copy & Paste
0000 46 01 00 20> Cut & Paste
0000 47 01 00 20> Cut, Copy & Paste

Adding Content In the Recycle Bin Shortcut Menu By Menu Options.

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / CLSID / (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E) / Shell

Click to Edit> New> Key and give it the desired name (Example: Go To Windows Explorer),. Under the new key, press the Edit menu> New> Key and create a new key named Command. Double-click option (Default), and in the Value data, content with the path of Windows Explorer (C: \ WINDOWS \ Explorer.exe).

Documents Folder Restores Lost In My Computer

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / DocFolderPaths.
Select Edit menu> New> String Value and name it in accordance with the username that is used in Windows (eg: Chippers) Double click on the value and enter the path where you are in Documents (for example D: \ Documents)

Get rid of Stored Files From My Computer

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / MyComputer / NameSpace / DelegateFolders

Delete subkey (59031a47-3f72-44a7-89c5-5595fe6b30ee) by pressing the Del button.

Hide My Recent Documents

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Xplorer
Click the Edit menu> New> DWORD Value and give name NoRecentDocsMenu.
Then double click on DWORD Value, and give a number to activate it.

Hide Menu Find

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Click the Edit menu> New> DWORD Value and give name NoFind. Then double click on DWORD Value and give a number to activate it. Restart the computer.

Hide Help And Support

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value - Menu Edit> New> DWORD Value, and name NoSMHelp. Then double-click on NoSMHelp and fill with 1 in Value Data. Restart the computer.

Hide Run Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoRun. Double click and enter the first digit as the Value Data.

Hide Run Menu From Start Menu (2)

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Find a value named Start_ShowRun, double click and enter the number 0 in the Value Data.

Hide Log Off

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Click the Edit menu> New> Binary Value and name NoLogOff. Double click on the NoLogOff and enter the number 2001 2000 2000 2000 in the Value Data.

Hiding the Turn Off Computer Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Click the Edit menu> New> DWORD Value and give name NoClose. NoClose double click and give the number 1 in the Value Data.

ClearType In Logon Screen

HKEY_USERS / .DEFAULT / Control Panel / desktop
FontSmoothingType double click and enter the number 2 in the Value Data.

Creating Different Views On Logon Window

HKEY_USERS / .DEFAULT / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / ThemeManager

ColorName double click and enter text in the Value Data Metallic.

Displaying the Administrator in Welcome Screen

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ WindowsNT \ CurrentVersion \ Winlogon \ SpecialAccounts \ Userlist

Create a new DWORD Value and name it Administrator. Double click Administrators and enter the first digit in the Value Data.

Auto Login

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / WindowsNT / CurrentVersion / Winlogon

AltDefaultUserName double click and enter your user account selected AutoAdminLogon Double click and enter 1 in Value Data.

Create a new DWORD Value and give name DefaultPassword.

DefaultPassword double click and enter the account password is selected in the Value Data.

Hiding Printers & Faxes icon from Start Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Find a value named Start_ShowPrinters and give the number 0 in the Value Data.

Hiding the Control Panel from the Start Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Find a value named Start_ShowControlPanel and double click on that section. Enter the number 0 in Value Data.

Hide My Pictures from the Start Menu Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on the Start_ShowMyPics and enter the number 0 in the Value Data.

Led to Administrative Tools Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on the StartMenuAdminTools and give 1 in Value Data.

Minimize the Start Menu Icons

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /
Explorer / Advanced

Double click on the Start_LargeMFUIcons and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Eliminate the Username on Start Menu

To HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer

Select Edit> New> DWORD Value and give name NoUserNameInStartMenu. NoUserNameInStartMenu double click and enter 1 in the Value Data.

Prevent Start Menu Changes

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoChangeStartMenu.

NoChangeStartMenu double click and enter the first digit in the Value Data.

Hide My Recent Documents

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on the Start_ShowRecentDocs and enter the number 0 in the Value Data.

Important Name Change Default Shortcut On Desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / CLSID

Double click on the default value in each subkey below:

My Network Places: (208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D)
My Computer: (20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D)
My Documents: (450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103)
Recycle Bin: (645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E)
IE Default Icon: (871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D)

enter unique names instead of the default name.

Hide Icons On Desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on the HideIcons and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Cleaning All the icons on the desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDesktop. Double click on the NoDesktop and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Creating a More Stable Desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name DesktopProcess. DesktopProcess double click and enter 1 in Value Data.

Removing Programs In Home Run List

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / RunMRU

In the right window, you will see a row of software (marked by alphabets a, b, c, d, and so on). To remove them, simply by selecting one (or all) of the existing program name and press the Del button.

If a confirmation window pops up for data deletion, tap Yes.

Cleaning Recent Documents

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoRecentDocsHistory.

Double click on the NoRecentDocsHistory and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Eliminate Tip Info icon Folders On Desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on the FolderContentsInfoTip with number 0.

Lock the Taskbar

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Double click on the TaskBarSizeMove and enter the number 0 in the Value Data.

Deletes Past Items Icons On Taskbar

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ TrayNotify

Remove IconStreams and PastIconsStream, then open the TaskManager, Processes Tab right click on explorer.exe and select End Process. Click the File menu> New Task (Run) and typing explorer and press OK again.

Hide System Tray

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer

If the Explorer key is not there create a new DWORD Value and give name NoTrayItemsDisplay. NoTrayItemsDisplay double click and enter the first digit in the Value Data. To restore System Tray enter the number 0 in the Value data.

Disabling Right-click Desktop

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoViewContextMenu. Double click on the NoViewContextMenu and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Change the Time Delay When Opening Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

Double click on the MenuShowDelay and change the number that originally 400 milliseconds to other figures. The smaller the faster.

Adjust the size of icons on desktop and Start Menu

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop / WindowMetrics

Double click on the Shell Icon Size and change the number 32 into other numbers, eg 10.

Windows Color Changing

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Colors

Double click Window and enter the RGB color combinations (use Adobe PhotoShop to find the appropriate color combination).

Color Changing Text In Windows

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Colors
WindowText double click and enter the RGB color combinations.

Eliminate Screen Saver tab

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / System

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / System

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDispScrSavPage.
NoDispScrSavPage double click and enter 1 in Value Data.

Screen Saver Through Changing Registry

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

SCRNSAVE.EXE double-click a file and then enter the path where the desired Screen Saver. Example: C: \ WINDOWS \ ScreenSaver.scr

Disabling the Default Screen Saver

HKEY_USERS / .DEFAULT / Control Panel / desktop

ScreenSaveActive double click and enter the number 0 in the Value Data.
To restore it enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

Eliminate Alert Icon Shortcut Arrows On

Change name became IsShortcuts IsShortcut.

Style Change Wallpaper

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

Double click on the WallpaperStyle and enter the numbers as follows in the Value Data:

1> Center
2> Stretch
3> Tile

Disable the Low Disk Space Warning

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / the Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies \ Explorer

Create a new DWORD Value and name the new double NoLowDiskSpaceChecks.Klik NoLowDiskSpaceChecks and enter the number 1 at Value Data.

Disabling Menu My Computer Properties

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Make a new DWORD Value named NoPropertiesMyComputer. NoPropertiesMyComputer double click and enter 1 in Value Data.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Make a new DWORD Value named NoPropertiesMyComputer. NoPropertiesMyComputer double click and enter 1 in Value Data.

If the Explorer key does not exist, create a new one by clicking on the Edit menu> New> Key and name it Explorer.

Sizing CoolSwitch

(Try Press Alt + Tab, it is called with CoolSwitch)

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

HKEY_USERS / .DEFAULT / Control Panel / desktop

Click CoolSwitchColumns and arrange for how long CoolSwitch

This will be displayed by entering the number desired in the Value Data. Then click CoolSwitchRows and do similar things.

Disabling Function CoolSwitch

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

HKEY_USERS / .DEFAULT / Control Panel / desktop

Double click on the CoolSwitch and enter the number 0.

Disabling animations in Windows XP

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop / WindowMetrics

Double click on the MinAnimate and enter the numbers 1 to disable, and 0 to switch it back.

Changing Keys Being Left Mouse Button Right On

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Mouse

Double click on the SwapMouseButtons and give the number 1 in the Value Data.

Changing rows in Scroll Mouse Scrolls

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Desktop

Double click WheelScrollLines enter the desired number (in accordance with the row about to roll) in the Value Data.

Hiding In the Control Panel System Properties

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / don 't load

Create a new String Value and give name sysdm.cpl.

Sysdm.cpl double click Yes on the input and enter the Value Data.

Disabling Display Properties

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies

On the Policies subkey, create a new key with the way Edit> New> Key and name it System. Later in the System subkey, create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDispCPL. NoDispCPL double click and enter the first digit in the Value Data.

Speed Adjust Keyboard Repeat Rate

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / Keyboard

KeyboardSpeed double click and enter the desired value. The higher the score, the sooner it Repeat Rate.

Striped Down In Notepad text

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Notepad

LfUnderline double click and enter the first digit in the Value Data. In Notepad Word Wrap Mode

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Notepad
FWrap double click and enter the first digit in the Value Data.

Status Bar In Notepad

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Notepad
Double click the statusbar and enter the number 1 in the Value Data.

DVDs In Windows Media Player

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / MediaPlayer / Player / Settings

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and give name DVDUI. DVDUI double click and enter Yes in the Value Data text.

The identity of the Windows Media Player Adds

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Windows

Click Edit> New> Key and name WindowsMediaPlayer.

Click Edit> "New> String Value and name the Titlebar.

Titlebar double click and enter your desired text in the Value Data.

Changing Button Stop Button Play On Being a Windows Media Player

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / MediaPlayer / Objects / StopButton

Double click and enter text onclick () in Value Data.

Choosing an Audio CD Default player

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT / AudioCD / Shell / Play / Command

Double click (Default) and enter the path to software that you want as your default audio CD player. For example: C: \ Program Files \ Windows Media Player \ wmplayer.exe

Restoring Access to CD-ROM

After uninstalling a program CD burner, CD-ROM sometimes can no longer be accessed, the solution:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class \ (4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318)

Delete subkey LowerFilters and UpperFilters by pressing the Del button.

Minimizing Size For Windows Explorer Thumbnails

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer

Select Edit menu> New> Binary Value and name ThumbnailSize. ThumbnailSize double click and enter the number 20 at Value Data.

Creating a Shortcut Menu in Windows Explorer Personals


Select Edit> New> Key and name the Winamp as an example.

Double-click option (Default) right side and enter the registry editor Winamp text. Click the subkey Winamp and select Edit menu> New> Key and name it Command. Double-click option (Default) and enter the path C: \ ProgramFiles \ Winamp \ Winamp.exe at Value Data.

Through Encryption Context Menu

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced

Create a new DWORD Value and give name EncryptionContextMenu. EncryptionContextMenu double click and enter the first digit in the Value Data.

Changing Icons In Drives

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer

If no, select Edit> New> Key and name it in accordance with the desired drive [for example: C for drive C:]

Pada these values, create a new Key and name DefaultIcon. Double-click option (Default) and enter the path where the icon is located (eg: D: \ Documents \ C Drive icon.ico)

Hide Drive

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Select Edit> New> DWORD Value and give name NoDrives. NoDrives double-click the drive and determine which ones want to be eliminated in the Value Data. Example: if you want to remove drive E:, enter the number 16 on the Value Data.

Combinations of numbers in the Value Data is as follows:
A:> 1
B:> 2
C:> 4
D:> 8
E:> 16
F:> 32
G:> 64
H:> 128
I:> 256
A:> 512
K:> 1024
L:> 2048
M:> 4096
All:> 67108863

Tip Of The Day Make Windows Explorer

To enable open Windows Explorer and then select

View menu> Explorer Bar> Tip of the Day.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Tip

In the right window will be seen rows of tips that are stored in the value 0-49.

Two things you can do is replace that with a tip-tip double-click each value with desired text. Second is to add new tips starting with the sequence after the value 49 (eg 50 ff.).

Select Edit> New> String Value and name the shape of numbers that continue the last digit on the tip (for example, 50 ff.).

Double click on the new value, set with the text desired in Value Data.

Hide Advanced Settings In Windows Explorer Folder Options

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer

Key Explorer will be found under the subkey named Advanced. Right click and select Rename. Advanced Rename become Advancedx.

Cheating Hearts Game Code

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / applets

Click the Edit menu> New> Key and name the Hearts.

Click the Edit menu> New> String Value and give name and fill in the numbers ZB 42 Value Data.

Open the Hearts game on Start Menu> All Programs> Games. After entering the name of the player, press the following button combination:

Ctrl + Shift + Alt + F12 and all the cards will open.

Cleaning the Registry Trash




Select one subkey that is the name of the software you want to delete, then press the Del button.

Rubbish clean Uninstall

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Uninstall

Delete subkey that has the same name with software that has been uninstalled.

Deleting Program List From The Unwanted Add / Remove Programs

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Uninstall

Delete subkey that contains the unwanted program by pressing the Del button.

Running Programs At StartUp

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Run

Select Edit menu> New> String Value with the name of Winamp for example. Double click on these values and enter the path where the program is installed (C: \ ProgramFiles \ Winamp \ Winamp.exe).

Deleting Items in MSCONFIG StartUp

Click Start> Run> type msconfig, then click on the Startup tab, remove the tick on the program you want removed from the startup list.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run

Delete subkey that contains the programs that are not desired by pressing the Del button.

Speeding up the Windows XP Shutdown Process

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control

WaitToKillServiceTimeout double click, and change the value to be lower than in 2000.

Changing the AM and PM Be Morning And Evening

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Control Panel / international

Double click and change the text s1159 AM by MORNING.

double click and change text s2359 PM by SORE.

Disabling Autorun Function

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer

Double-click NoDriveTypeAutoRun, and insert number 95 in the Value Data.

Automatically turn off the Program Not Responding

HKEY_USERS / .DEFAULT / Control Panel / desktop

AutoEndTasks double click and enter the first digit in the Value Data.

Bring Forth My Computer The Hidden Option

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Internet


Flags double click then change to Decimal and enter

number 1 in Value Data.

Disabling Function New Window In Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / InternetExplorer / Restrictions

Create a new DWORD Value and give name NoOpeninNewWnd.

NoOpeninNewWnd double click and enter 1 in the Value Data.

Changing the Internet Explorer Toolbar Background

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Toolbar

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and give name BackBitmap.

BackBitmap double click and fill with the path where the image

bitmap (. bmp) that will become the toolbar background is in the Value Data.

For example: C: \ WINDOWS \ Wallpaper.bmp

Changing the Internet Explorer Version

To determine which version of Internet Explorer owned: Help>

About Internet Explorer on your Internet Explorer browser.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer

Version double click and enter the desired number Value Data.

ProductID check Internet Explorer

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / InternetExplorer / Registration

See ProductID ProductID on the key, in the carrying value will be how ProductID Internet Explorer is used.

Full Screen Mode In Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main

Double-click fullscreen and enter Yes on the Value Data text.

Changing Internet Explorer Title

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and name it Window Title.

Double click on Window Title and enter your desired text in the Value Data.

Cleaning List URL In Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / InternetExplorer / TypedURLs

Delete the value url1, url2 and so on by pressing the Del button.

Hiding Buttons Go On Internet Explorer

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and give name ShowGoButton.

ShowGoButton double click and enter the number 0 in the Value Data.

Renaming the Internet Explorer icon

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Curre

ntVersion \ Explorer \ CLSID \ (871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D)

Double click on the value (Default) in addition to the right, enter the desired text Value Data.

Adding a Domain. Gov. In Search Website

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / InternetExplorer / Main / UrlTemplate

Select Edit> New> String Value and give name to the number that represents a continuation of the numbers already there.

Double click on the value and type% pada Value Data.

Memory In Windows XP Tweaking

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / Session Manager / Memory Management

Double click on the DisablePagingExecutive and enter the number 1 in the Value Data. If enabled, Windows will not make the paging file to the hard disk. Operating systems and programs more responsive. Recommended for computers that have more than 128MB of memory.

Double click on the LargeSystemCache and insert 1 in Value Data. When activated, the system will allocate the entire memory (except 4 MB for disk caching) to file caching. The computer will perform in the XP kernel caching memory so that Windows XP can run faster.

Unload. Etc. To Accelerate Access Memory

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer

Select Edit menu> New> with Key and give name AlwaysUnloadDLL. Pada Default Value option enter the first digit.

Removing Pagefile When Shut Down

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ SessionManager \ Memory Management

ClearPageFileAtShutdown double click and enter the first digit in the Value Data.

Moving Pagefile

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CurrentControlSet / Control / SessionManager / Memory Management

PagingFiles double click then change the path to the desired new location. For example: D: \ pagefile.sys 1024 1024

Restore the Search Function Into Long View

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion /
Explorer / CabinetState

Select Edit menu> New> String Value and give name UseSearchAsst.
UseSearchAsst double click and enter the first digit in the Value Data.

Hide Device Manager

HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies

Select Edit menu> "New> Key and name it System. On System subkey create a new DWORD Value and give name NoDevMgrPage. NoDevMgrPage double click and enter 1 in Value Data.

(Source taken from various blogs / website on the internet)
hopefully useful.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How to raise Page Rank Quickly

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Who does not want his google pagerank increase or increased? In the post this time we will not discuss what is Google PageRank, because I'm sure my friends who read this already know all about what's in the name Google PR. Okey back to the title of the post this time ...

Google PageRank Update Fast mode is very easy, my friends need to do is put the following links on the blog or an article / post from our friends:

1. Lagenreca Jogja
2. Kalukubodoa
3. Islam Dinul Haq
4. Blog Haeyki Sirius
5. Hukmul Islam
6. Daftar Blog Iqbal
7. Oretanku
8. Software Gratis
9. Tempat Belajar Blogger
10. Personal Blog

But remember, before my friends put the link above, my friends had to remove one from the list of participant numbers. So that all participants ride a level. Who was number two to be number one, number three finished second, and so on. Then enter your own friends link at the bottom (number 10).
If each participant can take five people, then the number of backlinks that will be obtained are:

When tman2 10th position, the number of backlink = 1
Position 9, QTY backlink = 5
Position 8, QTY backlink = 25
Position 7, QTY backlink = 125
Position 6, QTY backlink = 625
Position 5, QTY backlink = 3.125
Position 4, QTY backlink = 15.625
Position 3, QTY backlink = 78.125
Position 2, QTY backlink = 390.625
Position 1, QTY backlink = 1,953,125

And all of them using keywords that your friends want. In terms of SEO-temn friends have gotten 1,953,125 backlinks and side effects if web visitors the downline temen-temen clicked the link, also create a blog temen-temen get additional traffic.

Now, please copy-paste this article, and remove participants a number then add the blog link / website friends at position 10. Remember, my friends had to start from position 10 so that maximum results. Because if your friends suddenly in position 1, then the link-temen temen will disappear once someone has entered the 10th position.Good Luck ~

Saturday, May 22, 2010

How to Use DnsSpeeder

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In my posts this time I want to explain how to use, check and also benefit from DnsSpeeder. As in my previous posting about Boost Speed Internet Connection with DnsSpeeder. And this is The steps:
  1. After You Enable DNS Speeder then the next step is to add control of the server you are using, It is very important because it will change the server address you use. Choose according to your service you use. Eg Telkom, and where we are currently residing in the city of Surakarta. Find a place DNS servers closest to our position. For info only control the position of telecom servers that are near the city of Surabaya and Semarang Surakarta is. We select only the dns from Semarang city because its position is closer than the city of Surabaya. For other cities please your own search. 
  2. After you define a DNS server the next step is to check, working or not control of the server that we select with your mouse goto the bottom right corner of the desktop search that pictorial bird's head and then click the right button of your mouse and select details. So it will be seen data showing that control what we choose to work.
  3. Benefits of control very large compared to if we do not use DNS, one of which is to make your Internet connection more stable, does not break the connection, and keep your upload and download speed. Like I did during this, I use Flexi CDMA card and my online 24 hours during one week. My internet connection is lost and I've never downloaded 500 Mb only takes one hour. Whereas before I use this control just download the 300 Mb take up to 12 hours. Tremendous change.
Hopefully useful to you. And good luck.

Friday, May 21, 2010

How to Reset / Bypass (hack) BIOS Password

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BIOS passwords can add an additional layer of security for desktop and laptop computers. This is used to prevent a person to change BIOS settings or to prevent the PC from booting without a password. Unfortunately, BIOS passwords can also be a burden if users forget their password, or change the password to intentionally on a company's IT department. Sending the unit back to the factory to reset the BIOS password can be expensive and usually not covered by the warranty. Do not worry, all is not lost. There are several tricks that can be used to bypass or reset the BIOS
DISCLAIMER This article is intended for IT professionals and systems administrators with experience of computer hardware services. This is not intended for home users, hackers, or business intrusion / theft of computers to crack on a stolen PC. Please do not try one of these procedures if you are unfamiliar with computer hardware, and please use this information responsibly. I am not responsible for any use or misuse of this material, including data loss, hardware damage, or personal injury.
Before attempting to bypass the BIOS password on your computer, please take a minute to contact the support staff hardware manufacturer directly and ask for a recommended method of security through the BIOS. In the event producers can not (or will not) help you, there are a number of methods that can be used to bypass or reset the BIOS password yourself. They include: • Using the manufacturers backdoor password to access BIOS • Use password cracking software • Reset the CMOS using the jumpers. • Removing the CMOS battery for at least 10 minutes • Overloading the keyboard buffer • Using a professional service
Please remember that most BIOS passwords do not protect the hard drive, so if you need to recover data, simply remove the hard drive and install it on the same system, or configure it as a slave drive in an existing system. Exceptions to this are laptops, especially IBM Thinkpads, which silently lock the hard drive if the supervisor password is enabled. If the supervisor password is reset without resetting and hard drives as well, you will not be able to access data on the drive.
The first way Backdoor password Many BIOS manufacturers have provided backdoor passwords that can be used to access the BIOS setup in case you lose your password. This password is case sensitive, so you may want try out different combinations. Please note that the key individuals in the U.S. keyboard related in some European keyboards. Laptops typically have better BIOS security than desktop systems, and we are not aware of any backdoor passwords that will work with name brand laptops.
WARNING: Some BIOS configurations will lock you out of the system completely if you type the wrong password more than 3 times. Reading the manufacturer's documentation for BIOS settings before you begin typing in a password
Award BIOS backdoor passwords: Ally Ally Ally Ally ALFAROME aPAf _award AWARD_SW AWARD? SW AWARD SW AWARD PW bumbling awkward BIOSTAR CONCAT condo Condo d8on djonet HLT j256 j262 j332 j322 J64 exchangeable lkwpeter lkwpeter Pint pint SER SKY_FOX SYXZ syxz shift + syxz TTPTHA ZAAADA ZBAAACA ZJAAADC 01,322,222 589589 589721 595595 598598 AMI BIOS backdoor passwords: AMI BIOS PASSWORD AAAMMMIII Hewitt RAND AMI? SW AMI lkwpeter AMI_SW Condo
Phoenix BIOS backdoor passwords: phoenix, Phoenix, CMOS, BIOS MISC. GENERAL password BIOSTAR BIOSTAR ALFAROME biosstar cmos setup CMOS SETUP lkwpeter lkwpeter Syxz Wodj OTHER BIOS password by the manufacturer Password Manufacturer VOBIS & IBM merlin Dell Dell Biostar Biostar Compaq Compaq Enox xo11nE Epox center Freetech Posterie Iwill IWill Jetway spooml Packard Bell bell9 QDI QDI Siemens SKY_FOX TMC Installer fails Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA BIOS Most Toshiba laptops and some desktop systems will bypass the BIOS password if the left shift key is held down during boot IBM BIOS APTIVA Press both mouse buttons repeatedly during the boot.
Backdoor password Many BIOS manufacturers have provided backdoor passwords that can be used to access the BIOS setup in case you lose your password. This password is case sensitive, so you may want try out different combinations. Please note that the key individuals in the U.S. keyboard related in some European keyboards. Laptops typically have better BIOS security than desktop systems, and we are not aware of any backdoor passwords that will work with name brand laptops. WARNING: Some BIOS configurations will lock you out of the system completely if you type the wrong password more than 3 times. Reading the manufacturer's documentation for BIOS settings before you begin typing in a password.
Award BIOS backdoor passwords: Ally Ally Ally Ally ALFAROME aPAf _award AWARD_SW AWARD? SW AWARD SW AWARD PW bumbling awkward BIOSTAR CONCAT condo Condo d8on djonet HLT j256 j262 j332 j322 J64 exchangeable lkwpeter lkwpeter Pint pint SER SKY_FOX SYXZ syxz shift + syxz TTPTHA ZAAADA ZBAAACA ZJAAADC 01,322,222 589589 589721 595595 598598 AMI BIOS backdoor passwords: AMI BIOS PASSWORD AAAMMMIII Hewitt RAND AMI? SW AMI lkwpeter AMI_SW Condo Phoenix BIOS backdoor passwords: phoenix, Phoenix, CMOS, BIOS MISC. GENERAL password BIOSTAR BIOSTAR ALFAROME biosstar cmos setup CMOS SETUP lkwpeter lkwpeter Syxz Wodj OTHER BIOS password by the manufacturer Password Manufacturer VOBIS & IBM merlin Dell Dell Biostar Biostar Compaq Compaq Enox xo11nE Epox center Freetech Posterie Iwill IWill Jetway spooml Packard Bell bell9 QDI QDI Siemens SKY_FOX TMC Installer fails Toshiba Toshiba TOSHIBA BIOS Most Toshiba laptops and some desktop systems will bypass the BIOS password if the left shift key is held down during boot IBM BIOS APTIVA Press both mouse buttons repeatedly during the boot.
Both Ways Password cracking software The following software can be used to reset the BIOS on many chipsets. If your PC is locked with a BIOS administrator password that will not allow access to the floppy drive, this utility may not work. Also, because this utility does not come from the manufacturer, use with caution and at your own risk. • CMOS password recovery tools 3.1 • RemPass • KILLCMOS
Third mode Using the Motherboard "Clear CMOS" Jumper or switch settings Many motherboards feature a set of jumper or dipswitch that will clear CMOS and remove all the settings in it, including BIOS passwords. The location of this jumper / dipswitch will vary depending on the motherboard manufacturer and ideally you should always refer to your motherboard or computer manufacturers documentation. If documentation is unavailable, the jumpers / dipswitch may sometimes be found along the edge of the motherboard, next to the CMOS battery, or near the processor. Some manufacturers may label CLEAR - CLEAR CMOS - CLR - CLRPWD - passwd - PASSWORD - PWD.
On laptop computers, dipswitch usually found under the keyboard or in a compartment at the bottom of the laptop.
Please remember to unplug your PC and use a grounding strip before reaching into your PC and touching the motherboard. Once you find and jumper switches, turn on the computer and the examiner whether the password is blank. If you have, turn on the computer and return the jumper or dipswitch to its original position.
Fourth mode Removing the CMOS Battery CMOS settings on most systems are buffered by a small battery plugged in to the motherboard. (It looks like a small battery watches). If you unplug the PC and remove the battery for 10-15 minutes, the CMOS may reset itself and the password would be empty. (Together with the other machine specific settings, so make sure you are familiar with manually reconfiguring the BIOS settings before you do.) Some manufacturers backup the power to the CMOS chipset by using a capacitor, so if your first attempt fails, leave the battery out (with system unplugged) for 24 hours. Some batteries are actually soldered onto the motherboard making this task more difficult. Unsoldering battery incorrectly may damage the motherboard and other components, so please do not try this if you are inexperienced. Another option might be to remove the CMOS chip from the motherboard within a certain timeframe. Note: Cancellation of the battery to reset the CMOS will not work for all PCs, and almost all newer laptops store their BIOS passwords in a way that does not require continuous power, so the revocation of the CMOS battery may not work at all. IBM Thinkpad laptops lock the hard drive as the BIOS when the supervisor password. If you reset the BIOS password, but can not reset the hard drive password, you may not be able to access the drive and will remain locked, even if you place it in a new laptop. IBM Thinkpads have special jumper switches on the motherboard, and this should be used to reset the system.
Five Ways Overloading the KeyBoard Buffer On some older computer systems, you can force to enter the CMOS setup screen with the boot by overloading the keyboard buffer. This can be done by booting with a keyboard or mouse unattached to the systems, or on some systems by hitting the ESC key over 100 times in rapid succession.
Sixth mode Jumping the Solder Beads on the CMOS It is also possible to reset the CMOS by connecting or "menjumper" on the chipset. There are too many chipsets to do a breakdown of which points to jump on individual chipsets, and this solderan location can vary by manufacturer, so go check the computer and motherboard documentation for details. This technique is not recommended for the inexperienced and should be only used as a "last resort".
Seventh mode Using a professional service.

Tweaking linux (ubuntu)

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We all know that Microsoft Windows can be in Tweaking to improve their performance. And what about Ubuntu? whether we can perform optimization of the Ubuntu system to improve its performance such as things we improve the performance of Microsoft Windows? proud (sorry if slightly impressed euphoria), I say, Yes, we can do the same thing with Ubuntu that we have. Turn off / Disable Feature IPV Currently almost all servers have been using IPv4, so the use of IPv6 has been less effective (if not in the said conflict). Most felt effects from the use of IPv6 is the slow performance during our web surfing browser. to turn off IPv6 feature, open a terminal or konsole and type: sudo gedit / etc / modprobe.d / bad_list. type / input the following command: alias net-pf-10 off then save & exit, please reboot your Ubuntu to see the change it effects
Turn off / Disable swapping If your computer / laptop we have the memory 1 Gb or more, we can turn off the feature, called ubuntu swappinguntuk raise overall performance. This swapping values in the range 0 to 100. on the value of 100, the kernel will look for programs that are not active and going to his swapp out from the cache. How to disable this swapping is a way: open a terminal and type: gedit sudo / etc / sysctl.confscroll to the bottom of the file and enter the following line: vm.swappiness = 0 end by pressing the save & exit and reboot your computer to see the effects of the changes.
Enable / Enable Dual Core Processors By default Ubuntu does not enable Dual Core Processors, so the ability or performance of the computer becomes less maximal. In order for Ubuntu to enable the facility or feature Dual Core Processors, we must activate it manually. Do I open a terminal / konsole and type: sudo gedit / etc / init.d / rc. search papers concurrency = none. and when you've met, replace the value none to concurrency = shell, then click save & exit and reboot the computer to see the changes
Ubuntu Speeed Up Menus Do you feel a little slow computer response when we access the menu in Ubuntu? if yes, we can accelerate the loading menu by clicking Places -> Home Folder. Here we need to create a single file called. Gtkrc-2.0. way, right click on the free areas in the Home Folder and select Create Document -> Empty File and name / Rename with. gtkrc-2.0.Ingat, do not forget to give a period (.) in front of a gtkrc-2.0 which means that file later will be hidden. After that, click 2x on the file. Gtkrc-2.0 and enter the following command line: gtk-menu-popup-delay = 0 Finish by pressing the Save & Exit. You must Logout and login again to see the effect the changes. When was the value 0 too fast, we can replace it with a higher value such as 100. in the case of the writer tried, the authors get to set the ideal speed. gtkrc, 2.0 with a value of 100. And when it turns out you do not want this function because maybe, your computer may become unstable or shutdown button in the upper right corner of your computer to be trouble, you can freely delete the files. Gtkrc-2.0 to go back to the beginning of the previous setting. Beside above manual ways we can Accelerating Performance Tweaking Ubuntu or Ubuntu by using the software or application, search on google it must be a lot.